ICEF Monitor – Education agents continue to play a larger role in UK recruitment
14 Apr 2015
The use of education agents to recruit international students is becoming increasingly common around the world, to the point where agents are driving significant proportions of international enrolments in some countries. A recent survey by Times Higher Education (THE), for example, found that British universities’ commission payments to agents totalled £86.7 million (US$127 million) in 2013/14. The Observatory on Borderless Education, meanwhile, says that agents now help recruit almost 40% of Britain’s international students.
THE has reported regularly in recent years on university commission payments to agents, and those commission values have increased dramatically over the past decade. The figure noted above for 2013/14 alone represents a 16.5% increase over reported commissions of £74.4 million (US$109 million) for 2011/12, and an average commission per student of £1,767 (US$2,585).
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